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Boost Mental Health at Coworking Spaces

Boost Mental Health at Coworking Spaces

Aristotle said ‘Man is by nature a social animal’ and the recent pandemic proved the accuracy of this quote. Companies went from in-person mode to remote mode. Working remotely took a toll on the employees with some complaining of mental health problems.

Coworking spaces bridged the gap between in-person working and remote working. Employees were now part of a community of workers from different companies and the opportunity for interaction was possible.

How can a Coworking Space Help Mental Health?

Coworking spaces like IdeaPod go beyond just providing serviced spaces for new and established businesses. If you need a coffee break while working, there is a café that serves both hot and cold coffee along with delicious snacks. This gives your employees something to look forward to since they can interact with their in-house colleagues and other subscribers at the co-working space.

Here are some ways in which IdeaPod takes care of the mental health of your employees:

Exciting Events

  1. Comedy Nights: Can business and entertainment gel together? Why not! The top comedians performed here and had the audience rolling in laughter.
  1. Workshops: From theatre therapy to start-up investing, IdeaPod has an exciting cocktail of events to keep your employees in high spirits!

These events are conducted by renowned personalities. Thespian, Chaiti Ghosal, helped participants overcome stress by enacting their favourite animals and talking to strangers! All the participants thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Avelo Roy, tech entrepreneur, taught participants the ABCs of investing and profiting from startups. Knowledge-sharing at its best!

Comedian Vaibhav Sethia took the fun quotient to the next level.

Vibrant Atmosphere

The remote working mode led to monotony and depression since the much-needed interaction was missing. As you enter the bright and colourful environment at IdeaPod with pulsating music playing in the background, you get into the zone!

A welcoming ambience with friendly staff greeting you the moment you enter the space.

Going green is the in-thing since indoor plants have a soothing effect on the mind. The artfully decorated colours with bright colors are mood enhancers.

Community Benefits

Being part of a community definitely boosts the morale of your employees. They can network over a cup of coffee and snacks. Greeting a co-worker gives you a high. Your company may get a potential customer or supplier here. The possibilities are endless. This opportunity for interaction also brings down stress levels in your employees and helps in improving their productivity.

Customized Events

Have a theme for an event in mind? You can hire the space at IdeaPod for your fun activities, especially if you are a small organization. Meet your employees in this dynamic space and get to know them better through games and other fascinating activities. Your theme event can be prepared according to your budget. You can either go with the menu offered by our café or opt for your preferred vendor.

Better Work/Life Balance

The biggest reason for employee stress is poor work-life balance. While your employee’s contribution at work is important, it’s vital that they spend time with their family and friends as well. It’s ironic, the better the family/social life of your employee, the more productive they will be.

Employees can either choose an open desk or the conference room at IdeaPod. With high-speed Wi-Fi, large screen TV, a whiteboard, ergonomically designed chairs, and of course a dedicated space, the conference room can be booked from a few hours to a month. When employees are given the responsibility to manage their work and personal life, they put in greater effort for higher efficiency.

Employees can also choose to work by themselves at the open desks from one day to 11 months depending on their needs. If you want a team of 4 or 5 members or more to work together, they can book a private cabin.

Employees can plan their schedule and meet as often as they want within the official working hours of the co-working space.


Why have employees work remotely when you can provide them with a stress-free and engaging environment at a co-working space?

Employee health is important for any company since it has a direct impact on their productivity. Remote working deprives your employees of any human interaction, something essential for their well-being.

Co-working spaces offer your employees the motivation they need with features like networking with other co-workers and flexibility in space-booking options. Indoor plants, aesthetic layout, and exciting colours all contribute to improving the mental health of your employees.

Make a difference in the well-being of your employees, and visit IdeaPod today to take your business to the next level.